Thursday, January 2, 2014

Leading the Interstates Way

"Leading the Interstates Way". This phrase has closed several blog posts. But what does it really mean?

It probably means something a little different for everyone. With this blog post, I hope to get some insight about what this phrase means to you.

Your assignment is to share your thoughts. I'm asking each EIL participant and each mentor to post a comment to the blog with two ideas of what you believe "Leading the Interstates Way" means. There are no wrong answers; I am simply looking for insight into your thoughts about leading the Interstates Way.

In 2014, we want to make sure we are all "Leading the Interstates Way". So take this as an opportunity to step out and share your ideas.

I will kick it off with one of my ideas about "Leading the Interstates Way":
I believe that 'Leading the Interstates Way" means living out our Core (Core Values, Vision Statement and our Why).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My first thought around this subject is serving! Meaning as a leader we need to serve the team in a fashion so the team(s) succeed. Being able to spot / see the upcoming road blocks and identifying how as a TEAM, to break through the road blocks. Being upfront and honest with team members and providing the vision of what the path will look like in the coming weeks.

    My Second thought when I hear the term Leading the Interstates Way is relationship building. Looking at our clients and co-workers in a way that is different from other organizations. Truly listen to the needs of the project team and the client. Being available- This sounds easy, but I mean it in a sense to truly be available. Show that you care, show you’re willing to stand up for not only the projects success but also for the client and project team to be successful. In short putting other needs in front of your own.

    Thank you,
    Jason Breidenbach

  3. To me, Leading the Interstates Way means that we lead in a way that those being lead and the organization both grow and benefit. That is one defintion of servant leadership, which I believe is also Leading the Interstates Way.

    Leading the Interstates Way could also be understood to mean that we will lead based on our "Why." We will lead based on how it will impact finding a better way, making a difference for our clients or creating opportunities for our people.

  4. 1. Don't give up even when things get tough. I've heard this a lot from some of the "long-time" employees; they are proud to be a part of an organization that doesn't just walk away from clients when things get tough.

    2. Continue to grow in your knowledge and skills, and learn from your mistakes. I believe there is a pretty good culture at Interstates to continue to get better individually and corporately, and not just because we can make more money that way, but because that helps us better serve clients.

  5. To me, Leading the Interstates Way is about viewing people as an investment, not an expense. In IE, we sell know-how and experience, not widgets. Developing our people and growing them to the best of their potential is the Interstates Leadership Model and how we can be successful in the future.

    Jeff Heikes

  6. Leading the Interstates way to me could mean the following and I say this b/c since I’ve been here Interstates has worked to be an industry leader in many aspects. They’ve worked at that by growing people, giving them the needed tools and then pushing us to succeed. So whether you are working for IC, IE, II ICSI or HG your team relies on you as much as you rely on your team to make an impact, be innovative and push our industry boundaries. Leading the Interstates Way could mean accomplishing that as a group while holding each company, your team, your family, and our core values first and foremost.

  7. Leading the Interstates Way means exhibiting servant leadership geared toward understanding needs and delivering results for all those we serve, including external and internal individuals and organizations.

    Leading the Interstates Way also means we are focused on continuously improving, learning, and growing both individually and as an organization.

    I also believe that Leading the Interstates Way is characterized by having and executing on a great plan.

  8. 1. Always seeking to improve the way I(or team-members) coach, plan for and execute the work done everyday. Not being satisfied with the status quo.
    2. Willing to be uncomfortable and take risks - celebrate the wins when they occur as well as share lessons learned when something does not work out as planned.

  9. The thing that comes to mind when I hear "Leading the Interstates Way" deals with teamwork and all striving for the common goal of success and also learning from those around us.

  10. I wish I had something really unique and exciting to add.....on the other hand, it may not be so bad that my thoughts are fairly similar to others that have already completed this assignment.

    1. Servant leadership. Anyone can be a leader because anyone can serve.
    2. Life long learning, in order to continuously improve.

  11. Leading the Interstates way isn't about one or two things- I thought of it more as knowing the "philosophy" or "constitution" of the company. The written ideas that are stressed within the walls of the company such as the values and the mission statement, and the unwritten attributes of our people. These are the outline for how the company is led, regardless of who leads it. All of these values add up to the reputation of the company and define their employees and their standards.

    So to me, Leading the Interstates way is more than defining leadership, its about knowing the philosophy and ensuring that you project it to others. This includes servant leadership, teamwork, and development of people and processes.

    **I cannot take full credit for this post. I recently read the book "Lone Survivor" (coming out as a movie), by Marcus Luttrell- would recommend to anyone. He has a lot of leadership insight and once I read parts of it, it stuck in my mind for this post.

  12. building relationships -- serving those we interact with
    listening -- understanding needs
    delivering results
    providing opportunity and challenge for our people

  13. Leading the Interstates Way is about making our core values and mission statement real everyday. Building relationships through dependability, integrity, trust, quality, and family as well as Understanding Needs>Delivering Results. It's the small things like taking time to ask about someone's personal life, or spending a few extra minutes reviewing details when you know you are busy or have lots of other things to do. We value building our relationships with others and delivering results.

    Secondly, leading the Interstates Way is about servant leadership. We ask a lot of our coworkers and teams because we ask a lot of ourselves. Leading is finding your success through others.

    Andrew Roelfs

  14. Here is Jack Woelber's response to this assignment:

    Serving...both internally to/with our colleagues as well as externally to our clients, partners, volunteer organizations, etc. ~Jack W.
