Thursday, December 5, 2013

Options - Not Just for Delegating

Delegation may suck (sometimes), but options are awesome!! This is true for several reasons:
  1. It gives people an opportunity to choose what they really want
  2. They feel they are in control
  3. You don't get "stuck" doing things the same old way 
Options are awesome when you are on the receiving side, but they also rock when you provide them to others. Why, you ask? I find that they help me discover better ways to do things and therefore, I can deliver results for clients.
Here is a recent story that demonstrates the power that options can have.
One of our clients had their project grow substantially in scope. They were proactive and asked if we would be willing to help them finance a portion of our contract. I'll be honest. We don't like being the bank. At times, we entertain the idea depending upon the situation, their being proactive, and the relationship we have with them. I had three choices:
  1. Ask them to explain exactly what they wanted
  2. Provide them with what we were willing to do
  3. Provide three options that we were willing to do and ask them for feedback 
I chose #3. If I hadn't, it would be pointless to be sharing the story right now -- ha ha. The reason I picked #3 was that I did not think they knew exactly what they wanted/needed, and I did not know for sure what I would be willing to do. Providing options allowed us to understand each other and the situation better. Through discussing these options, we created a 4th option.

To be clear, the original three options were each different. This made the client prioritize what was important to them (e.g. did they want more time or to have a lower interest rate?). I did this on purpose because it forced them to make that decision. Thus, their feedback allowed me to understand their priorities.

The next time you are in a situation and you aren't sure what to do, focus on the basics and provide options. This will help you discover what the needs truly are, make it a positive experience for the client, and determine the best way to deliver the results they want and need.

Make it a great day and contine to Lead the Interstates Way by providing options.

Scott Peterson

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