Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Tension

This week's post was written by Dave Crumrine.

I recently had the opportunity to work with the current EIL class and travel to my electrical peer group. The primary topic of discussion within this group was 'making change'. During EIL, we discussed the tension between Setting Direction, Aligning and Motivating (SAM) and Planning, Organizing and Controlling (POC). Different initiatives and activities require leaders to utilize different levels of skill. The more SAM is needed, the less POC is effective and vice versa; there is always tension between these ideas.

In my peer group, we talked about the changes we are making and how much we can accomplish at once. Again we discussed the idea of tension between operating well on a daily basis and the need to improve through change and adaptation. Many viewed this idea from the perspective of a team's time. For instance, if operating at 120% of plan, then there is not much capacity to change or improve. A member of my peer group added some valuable and memorable insight arguing that this isn't about time, but rather mind share and priority. Managing time is a fool's errand as we all have the same amount of time; it is a matter of managing individual and corporate priorities. To do so, we must understand our team's commitments, priorities, and mindset.

Ultimately, we concluded that tension will always be present and in a way it serves as a scorecard for leadership. Are we balancing the needs of serving our clients with the needs to get better for our clients? Are we acknowledging that if we don't do something, there is a consequence in the future that we must be aware of? If we wish to impact the priorities of our people and help align their efforts, then we must lead! We must talk about the trade-offs and the consequences. We must help our people make trade-offs and equip them to make the right trade-offs. 

In summary, there is no perfect mix of change and daily execution, there is only a tension. One that will always exist and require us to lead. It is in place specifically to make us choose and to challenge us to be our best each day and as we continue to adapt.

Where does your team need help working through the tension? 

Continue leading the Interstates way!

Dave Crumrine

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Leading with Quality

This week's post was written by Doug Post.

We are continuing our focus on the Interstates Core Values.  To date, we have considered:
  • Integrity – doing what you say you will do – every time.
  • Dependability – ability to be relied upon and trusted.
  • Trust - having confidence in another’s character, expertise, abilities, and integrity.

Today we will be focusing on the 4th core value: Quality. What does quality work look like at Interstates? Good drawings, detailed project plans, superior craftsmanship, great startups? Yes, and much more.

What do you think of when you hear quality?  Maybe some of the words listed in the word picture above?  Interstates defines quality as “providing lasting value in the eyes of our clients.” The client sets the standard for quality! It’s our job to understand the needs of the client and provide results that meet their budget, schedule and performance needs.  What's more, we need to do all this in a way that provides a positive and memorable experience for the client.

In The Fifth Discipline, Peter M. Senge refers to quality as “all things that matter to a customer, such as product quality, service quality, and delivery reliability.”

Product Quality
Product quality is tailoring what we do to meet the client's goals. As professionals and craftsmen, it's important to remember our clients usually care little about our drawing details or the craftsmanship of our electrical gear installation. What they do expect is that their interaction with us will result in a plant that operates per their project and business goals. For us, this means that at times a "napkin sketch" and a functioning MCC on-time is higher quality to our client than waiting for a well-ordered 1-line and a picturesque electric room. Remember, quality to the customer is staying in budget, being on-time, understanding and meeting his needs.

Delivery Reliability
Delivery reliability is getting the right deliverables (Level of Detail) to the right client at the right time, all of the time. Dave Crumrine notes, "93% might be an A in school, but it's a horrible quality record on a design or construction project. Would you be happy if 93% of your vehicle's engine was installed properly?"

Service Quality
Service quality is a topic in itself. We can discuss elements of service such as responsiveness, accessibility, attention, follow-thru,  and recovery.  We might consider great ways to collect client feedback. But let's focus on a servant's heart with the story of two mechanics:

There are two equally busy auto repair shops. The Jones family is anticipating leaving on their summer vacation next Thursday when an unfortunate thing happens… the transmission on their Tahoe breaks down. It’s a week until they head out on vacation. In a panic, Mr. Jones calls mechanic #1 and asks if he can get his Tahoe in for repair because they are heading on vacation. The mechanic says he’s sorry, but he is swamped and can’t take on one more thing. So, Mr. Jones contacts mechanic #2. This mechanic indicates he'd love to do the job even though he feels just as busy. He asks Mr. Jones when he needs the repair done by.  Mr. Jones says next Wed – the day before his vacation. The mechanic says it won't be a problem, while he can’t fix it today, he can get it done before Wednesday. 

Mechanic #1 missed out on serving Mr. Jones simply because he didn’t t ask the customer when he needed the work completed.  Either service shop could have fit the Tahoe in for repair, but only one shop went beyond today to figure out the customer’s time frame and need.
Leading with quality does require effort, discipline, planning, and commitment. It is never an accident; it's never simply the result of quality people; it is always the result of intelligent effort. It's an opportunity to lead the Interstates way. I challenge you to be intentional as you work with our clients going forward.  Understand from their point of view what a quality deliverable is and provide that high-level of lasting value to them.

Continue leading the Interstates way!

Doug Post

*The Fifth Discipline, Peter Senge, pp. 65-66, 325-335