Thursday, April 21, 2016

Unleashing Your Potential

This week's post was written by Dave Crumrine.

As our leadership model was being built, the question "Where does personal development start?" was deeply discussed. We wanted to know what base beliefs unleash personal development.

Our self-evaluation concluded that our (the Sr. Leaders) own development started when we were vulnerable enough to get real and see our own uniqueness – all of our strengths and weaknesses. It seems this was also the time when we realized we need people around us, and the more diverse and complementary they are to our own skills, the better.

For these reasons, it is essential that personal development start with personal discovery; and it is therefore the centerpiece of EIL 1. Get in touch with "you" and figure out how that uniqueness will work in the world around you. After that important (and sometimes painful) step, you are free to always be looking at how to be better, interact better, and better impact others. This comes from feedback, whether offered by others or sought out by you, and is the mirror by which to truly see your own performance and impact. Listen carefully and remember that those offering feedback are taking a chance. How you respond to the feedback will dramatically affect how much more information you will get from that person or small group.

After achieving awareness and accepting feedback comes the step of choosing. There will always be more things to work on than we can actually focus on. After inventorying the options, use your intuition and trusted partner feedback to decide what you should choose to work on. What will impact others and yourself the most? What seems to be the next step in the journey? Do not wait for others to develop you. It is a clear differentiator of leaders that they drive their own development and "pull" what they need to succeed in developing themselves. Often this development will not be due to "training." Although training is helpful for certain skill building, it is not the essence of personal development.

I would encourage you to keep your list of things to work on very short and amp up the intentionality. Meeting a single goal with an intense focus can have a dramatic effect on your progress. If your list is more than one task, don't let it grow past three at one time. It simply dilutes your attention. Never forget that working to leverage your strengths is always more powerful than trying to shore up your weaknesses. For those areas where you struggle, think mitigation. Think about whom to bring around you and complement you. Think about using the team. You can't turn an orange into a grapefruit no matter how hard you focus on it.

The last phase is the sustaining part of development. Remain curious. Reach into the world and see what others are doing and using. Connect some unconventional dots of your own and wonder, what could that mean to me or my team? This leads to the most powerful kind of learning and growth. This is a lifetime effort; it must be part of us as leaders – especially at Interstates. As we live out our core "Why" ideas, "Pursuing a better way" requires us to be curious, to be open, to learn, and to develop new skills as the challenges of the world unfold.

Personal development is an important piece of leading at Interstates and in the rest of the world. I expect it to be even more so as the world around us changes faster and faster. What people see in you, and how you are leading your own development, inspires them. Share, be transparent, and challenge others to continually seek to be better.

Continue leading the Interstates Way!
Dave Crumrine

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Does Tough Conversations Well

This week's post was written by Scott Peterson.

Tough Conversations

"I love having tough conversations! They are fun and are exciting!" (Said no one ever.)

Having tough conversations with your direct reports, peers, clients and supervisors is hard, no doubt. As a leader, having those tough conversations and doing them well is also one of your most important responsibilities.

Why is it so important?
  • It is one of the best ways to align people and teams.
  • It builds trust, since people know they can talk to you about anything (and that you really want them to succeed).
  • It sets the stage for a healthy and productive culture.
  • Because not having tough conversations is the most common cause of leadership failures
Two tips for how to do tough conversations well:
1. Lean in.
2. Stay in the "sweet spot" during the conversation.

Lean In:  This one is simple - just do it! Take time to prepare for the tough conversation and assume the best of the other person. During the conversation, stay in the final element -- the Sweet Spot.

Sweet Spot:  During the stress of a tough conversation, we have a tendency to fall into one of two categories: Fight or Flight.
  • When we got into fight mode, we want to convince the other person that they are wrong and we are right. We forget to listen, and we become judgmental.
  • When we go into flight mode, we want to avoid the situation or get out of it as quickly as possible. We do not state our thoughts or opinions.
The solution: the Sweet Spot. This is when we get it right. We lean in to those tough conversations. We find a good balance of being curious and being candid, and this is how we overcome falling into those fight or flight categories.

If you are a "fighter" - take time to ask questions, listen to the answers, and show empathy. If you are a "flighter" (yes, I'm making up words) - take a chance and share your honest thoughts/opinions without feeling like you have to prove yourself

Tough conversations can be a mixed bag for me. Some who know me well would tell you I have a strength for having productive, tough conversations. I stay in the sweet spot by being curious and truly believing the best of people. BUT (you knew it was coming), I don't like having these conversations. To be perfectly honest, they can stress me out. Over the years, I have learned to recognize that stress as a signal - a signal to lean in to the tough conversation. Don't avoid it. For the most part, these conversations are a relief to both people because they often have similar concerns and emotions. Just getting the topic on the table is a big step and a win.

If we can have productive tough conversations, we will be leading the Interstates Way!
Scott Peterson